** The following document is a draft of the minutes and the not the official approved minutes **
Minutes for the Planning and Zoning Commission
200 S. Main St., Cibolo, Texas 78108
August 14, 2024, 6:30 PM - August 14, 2024, 7:30 PM
Roll Call: (The following members were in attendance)
1. Call to Order
2. Roll call and Excused Absences
2A. Excused Absence- 6:30 PM
3. Invocation/Moment of Silence
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Public Hearings
5A. Conduct a public hearing regarding a Conditional Use Permit request to allow a Convenience Storage use for 7.38 acres out of 12.7630 acres tract of certain real property located at 21105 Old Wiederstein Road, legally described as ABS: 277 SUR: J N RICHARDSON 12.7630 AC.- 6:30 PM
5B. Conduct a public hearing regarding a Conditional Use Permit request to allow a Local Convenience Store (With Fuel Sales) use for certain real property located at 252 West Borgfeld Road, legally described as ABS: 216 SUR: A S LEWIS 1.8440 AC.- 6:30 PM
5C. Conduct a public hearing regarding a Comprehensive Sign Program application for certain real property located at 961 Cibolo Valley Drive, legally described as BUFFALO HEIGHTS BLOCK 3 LOT 2 1.059 AC.- 6:30 PM
5D. Conduct a public hearing regarding a Comprehensive Sign Program application for certain real property located at 400 Cibolo Valley Drive, legally described as CIBOLO VALLEY DRIVE RETAIL, LOT 1, BLK A 1.557 ACS.- 6:30 PM
6. Citizens to be Heard
7. Consent Agenda
7A. Approval of the minutes from the July 10, 2024, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.- 6:30 PM
8. Discussion/Action Items
8A. Discussion/Action regarding the Final Plat of Cibolo Farms Unit 2 subdivision.- 6:30 PM
8B. Discussion/Action regarding a Conditional Use Permit request to allow a Convenience Storage use for 7.38 acres out of 12.7630 acres tract of certain real property located at 21105 Old Wiederstein Road, legally described as ABS: 277 SUR: J N RICHARDSON 12.7630 AC.- 6:30 PM
8C. Discussion/Action regarding a Conditional Use Permit request to allow a Local Convenience Store (With Fuel Sales) use for certain real property located at 252 West Borgfeld Road, legally described as ABS: 216 SUR: A S LEWIS 1.8440 AC- 6:30 PM
8D. Discussion/Action regarding a Comprehensive Sign Program application for certain real property located at 961 Cibolo Valley Drive, legally described as BUFFALO HEIGHTS BLOCK 3 LOT 2 1.059 AC.- 6:30 PM
8E. Discussion/Action regarding a Comprehensive Sign Program application for certain real property located at 400 Cibolo Valley Drive, legally described as CIBOLO VALLEY DRIVE RETAIL, LOT 1, BLK A 1.557 ACS.- 6:30 PM
8F. Discussion/Action regarding a Sign Variance application for certain real property located at 112 Rodeo Way, legally described as CIBOLO VALLEY RANCH #1 BLOCK 6 LOT 62R 0.59 AC.- 6:30 PM
9. UDC, CIP, Master Plan and Staff Updates
9A. Staff Update- 6:30 PM
10. Items for future agendas
11. Adjournment
11A. Adjourn Meeting- 6:30 PM