** The following document is a draft of the minutes and the not the official approved minutes **
Minutes for the City Council Regular Meeting
200 S. Main St., Cibolo, Texas 78108
October 29, 2024, 6:31 PM - October 29, 2024, 9:46 PM
Roll Call: (The following members were in attendance)
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Excused Absences
2A. Excused Absence- 6:31 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
3. Invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Proclamations
5A. Proclamation for National First Responders Day- 6:33 PM
6. Citizens to be Heard
7. Public Hearing
7A. Conduct a public hearing regarding a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) request to allow an Accessory Living Quarters use in a Manufactured Home District (MH-1) for certain real property located at 432 Tolle Road, legally described as RABY ESTATES LOT 1, 1.93 AC. (Mr. Spencer)- 6:50 PM
Public Hearing was opened at 6:53 PM and closed at 6:57 PM
7B. Conduct a public hearing regarding a Comprehensive Sign Program application for certain real property located at 112 Rodeo Way, legally described as CIBOLO VALLEY RANCH #1 BLOCK 6, LOT 62R, 0.59 AC. (Mr. Spencer)- 6:57 PM
Public Hearing was opened at 7:01 PM and closed at 7:01 PM
7C. Conduct a public hearing regarding a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) request to allow Local Convenience Store with Fuel Sales (larger than 5,000 square feet) use in a General Commercial District (C-4) for certain real property located at 12880 IH-10, legally described as ABS: 134 SUR: JOSE FLORES 11.26 AC. (Mr. Spencer)- 7:01 PM
Public Hearing was opened at 7:05 PM and closed at 7:06 PM
8. Consent Agenda - Consent Items (General Items)
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
8A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on October 15, 2024.- 7:06 PM
9. Staff Update
9A. Administration- 7:07 PM
9B. Fire Department- 7:15 PM
10. Ordinances
10A. Approval/Disapproval of an Ordinance of the City of Cibolo amending the Sign Ordinance to remove the requirement for residential event signs to receive a no-fee permit. (Mr. Reed)- 7:31 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Randy Roberts resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
11. Resolutions
11A. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution of the City of Cibolo authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Motor Vehicle Crimes Prevention Authority (MVCPA) for the FY 25 SB 224 Catalytic Converter Grant Program and agreeing to designate an official to administer the grant. (Chief Andres)- 7:34 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Norma Sanchez-Stephens resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
11B. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution of the City of Cibolo relating to establishing the City’s intention to reimburse itself for prior expenditures from Tax-Exempt Bonds to be issued. (Ms. Miranda)- 7:43 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Randy Roberts seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12. Discussion/Action
12A. Discussion/Action for the Purchase of two new Lawn Mowers and authorizing the City Manager to Execute Purchase Order from Hustler Turf for two (2) 104" Kawasaki Mowers in the amount of Fifty-Four Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Eight Dollars and Twenty Cents ($54,998.20). (Mr. Parsons/Mr. Howard)- 7:45 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12B. Discussion/Action of a Right of Way (ROW) License Agreement with Google Fiber to bring a high-speed fiber network to Cibolo and authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement. (Mr. Beekman/Mr. Hugghins)- 7:15 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12C. Discussion/Action regarding the Final Plat of Homestead Cibolo Unit 1 Subdivision. (Mr. Spencer)- 7:48 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Norma Sanchez-Stephens resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12D. Discussion/Action regarding the Final Plat of Homestead Cibolo Unit 2 Subdivision. (Mr. Spencer) - 7:52 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Norma Sanchez-Stephens resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12E. Discussion/Action on the final FY24 Annual Report and the final FY25-FY27 Council Strategic Plan revision, including the public posting of these documents on the City's website . (Mr. Reed/Mr. Morris)- 7:55 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Katie Cunningham seconded by Norma Sanchez-Stephens resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12F. Discussion/Action to authorize the City Manager to execute purchase order for Replacement Water Meters and Transponders as needed for ongoing water system maintenance with HydroPro Solutions, LLC., in the amount not to exceed Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($65,000). (Mr. Hubbard/Mr. Parsons) - 8:00 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12G. Discussion/Action for the Purchase of Water Meters for New Water Service Inventory and authorizing the City Manager to execute Purchase Order for water meters from HydroPro Solutions, LLC., in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars. ($100,000). (Mr. Hubbard/Mr. Parsons)- 8:02 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Dick Hetzel resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12H. Discussion/Action to authorize the City Manager to execute a Contract with T Construction, LLC, for the FM 78 Water Main Extension in the amount of Three Hundred Twenty-Nine Thousand, One Hundred Sixty-Two Dollars and Zero Cents ($329,162.00). (Mr. Gomez)- 8:03 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12I. Discussion/Action to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with PMGR Development Group Corporation for the Animal Care Facility site work in the amount of Three Hundred Thirty-Three Thousand, Six Hundred Eighty-Seven Dollars and Twenty-Seven Cents ($333,687.27). (Mr. Gomez)- 8:06 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Katie Cunningham seconded by Joel Hicks resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12J. Discussion/Action to waive all waivable confidentialities, including the attorney-client communications and attorney work-product privilege, applicable to the content of the Palm Field Subdivision and the 4164 Lower Seguin Rd Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Investigation. (Councilman Hicks)- 9:44 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Robert Mahoney resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0
12K. Discussion on a temporary Traffic Control Measure on Green Valley Road at Elaine Schlather Drive. (Councilwoman Sanchez-Stephens)- 8:11 PM
12L. Discussion from Councilmembers that have attended seminars, events, or meetings. (Council)- 8:18 PM
12M. Discussion on items the City Council would like to see on future agendas. (Council)- 8:27 PM
12N. Discussion on the review and confirmation of all upcoming special meetings and workshops and scheduling the time, date, and place of additional special meetings or workshops. (Ms. Cimics)- 8:31 PM
13. Executive Session
13A. Project SPUR (Ms. Ellis) -
13B. Code of Conduct (Councilwoman Sanchez-Stephens)-
13C. The duties of the City Manager, and the evaluation process and timeline for the City Manager/City Attorney/City Secretary (Councilman Benson/Councilman Hicks)-
14. Open Session
15. Adjournment
15A. Adjourn Meeting- 9:46 PM
Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Randy Roberts resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0