City of Cibolo

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call and Excused Absences

3. Invocation/Moment of Silence

4. Pledge of Allegiance

5. Citizens to be Heard

6. Consent Agenda

6A. Approval of minutes from the January 24, 2024, Master Plan Advisory Committee meeting.- 6:30 PM

6B. Approval of minutes from the January 30, 2024, Joint Meeting.- 6:30 PM

7. Discussion/Action Items

7A. A. Discussion/Presentation by Staff regarding an update to the City’s Comprehensive/Master Plan and IH-10 Corridor Plan, including: • Welcome and Introductions • Recap of the January 30, 2024, Joint Meeting • Project Overview • Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Exercise • Master Thoroughfare Plan (MTP) Exercise • Action Items • Next Steps- 6:30 PM

8. Discussion on date and time of future meetings

9. Adjournment