City of Cibolo

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call and Excused Absences

2A. Excused Absence- 6:30 PM

3. Invocation/Moment of Silence

4. Pledge of Allegiance

5. Citizens to be Heard

6. Consent Agenda

6A. Approval of Minutes for March 14, 2024, Regular Call Meeting.- 6:30 PM

6B. Approval of Financial and Sales Tax Reports for February 2024.- 6:30 PM

6C. Approval of Reimbursement to the City of Cibolo General Fund for staff time working on Cibolo Economic Development Corporation projects for March 2024.- 6:30 PM

7. Discussion/Action

7A. Presentation of the Texas Economic Development Council (TEDC) Economic Excellence Award (K. Lee)- 6:30 PM

7B. Presentation by Cibolo Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) community partner, Amy Massey, Director of Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City (SCUC) ISD’s Career & Technical Education (CTE) Program. (I. Ellis)- 6:30 PM

7C. Presentation, discussion, and action regarding the Cibolo EDC portion of the Annual Economic Development Report rough draft. (I. Ellis)- 6:30 PM

7D. Presentation, discussion, and/or possible action regarding selecting a firm to produce an updated marketing video for the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation. (I. Ellis)- 6:30 PM

7E. Discussion/Action selecting and approving one member of the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Board to act as a CEDC Marketing Video Committee Member. (I. Ellis)- 6:30 PM

7F. Discussion/Action to approve a professional services contract with Davidson Troilo Ream & Garza, P.C to provide legal services for the Cibolo EDC. (K. Lee)- 6:30 PM

7G. Discussion/Action of items the Board of Directors would like to see included in the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation’s budget for FY 25. (K. Lee)- 6:30 PM

7H. Discussion, direction, and/or action involving updates regarding the Cibolo Master Plan project (EDC Master Plan Advisory Committee member)- 6:30 PM

7I. Discussion, direction, and/or action involving updates regarding the Cibolo EDC Strategic Plan project (EDC Strategic Plan Advisory Committee)- 6:30 PM

7J. Discussion, direction, and/or action involving updates regarding the Cibolo EDC IH-10 Corridor Study project (EDC IH-10 Corridor Study Advisory Committee)- 6:30 PM

8. Items for Future Agendas

9. Set a Date and Time for the next Meeting

10. Adjournment

10A. Adjourn Meeting- 6:30 PM
