1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Excused Absences
2A. Excused Absence- 6:30 PM
3. Invocation/Moment of Silence
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Citizens to be Heard
6. Consent Agenda
6A. Approval of Minutes for May 16, 2024 Regular Call Meeting.- 6:30 PM
6B. Approval of Financial and Sales Tax Reports for April 2024.- 6:30 PM
6C. Approval of Reimbursement to the City of Cibolo General Fund for staff time working on Cibolo Economic Development Corporation projects for May 2024.- 6:30 PM
7. Discussion/Action
7A. Discussion/Action regarding general information, analytics, and pricing of The Chamber Business Directory for FY 24 and FY 25. (I. Ellis/M. Titterington)- 6:30 PM
7B. Discussion/Presentation regarding the IH-10 Corridor Study (K. Lee/D. Acevedo)- 6:30 PM
7C. Discussion/Action regarding the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Cibolo and Cibolo EDC (K. Lee)- 6:30 PM
7D. Discussion/Action regarding the Cibolo EDC budget for Fiscal Year 25 (K. Lee)- 6:30 PM
7E. Discussion/Action on an affiliated entities confidentiality agreement between the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation and the City of Cibolo, Texas. (R. Barrera)- 6:30 PM
8. Executive Session
8A. Consultation with the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation’s attorney regarding legal issues involving an affiliated entities confidentiality agreement between the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation and the City of Cibolo, Texas.- 6:30 PM
9. Reconvene into Regular Session and take/or give direction or action, if necessary, on items discussed in the Executive Session
9A. Action from Executive Session- 6:30 PM
10. Items for Future Agendas
11. Set a Date and Time for the next Meeting
11A. July 25, 2024- 6:30 PM
12. Adjournment
12A. Adjourn Meeting- 6:30 PM