City of Cibolo

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call and Excused Absences

2A. Excused Absence-

3. Invocation

4. Pledge of Allegiance

5. Presentation of Awards/Recognitions

5A. Five-year Service Award to Nicole Perez.- 6:32 PM

5B. Five-Year Service Award to Mario Troncoso.- 6:38 PM

6. Proclamations

6A. Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. (Ms. Montoya, Ms. Hinojosa, Ms. Strentzsh, and Ms. Kepcyk)- 6:44 PM

7. Citizens to be Heard

8. Consent Agenda - Consent Items (General Items)

8A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on September 24, 2024. - 7:44 PM

8B. Approval of the July 2024 Check Register pending final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 23/24 fiscal year.- 7:44 PM

8C. Approval of the July 2024 Revenue and Expense Report pending final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 23/24 fiscal year.- 7:44 PM

8D. Approval and authorizing the City Manager to execute a work order with Colliers Engineering to provide services for FY 25 in the amount of $100,000.- 7:42 PM

** Item was Removed from Consent

Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 7-0-0-0-0

Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Norma Sanchez-Stephens resulting in a vote of 7-0-0-0-0

9. Staff Update

9A. Administration- 8:59 PM

9B. Police Department/Animal Services-

9C. Information Services Department-

10. Resolutions

10A. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution of the City of Cibolo assigning the City Attorney's Office to represent Cibolo in the Special Project of filing the CCN Transfer of 3200 acres of Wastewater Utility Service Area with the Public Utility Commission. (Mr. Hyde)- 9:07 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by T.G. Benson resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-1 Absent was Randy Roberts

10B. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution of the City of Cibolo Nominating a candidate to the Guadalupe County Appraisal District for Election to the Board of Directors. (Mr. Reed/Ms. Cimics)- 6:50 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Randy Roberts resulting in a vote of 6-0-1-0-0 Abstained by Dick Hetzel

11. Ordinances

11A. Approval/Disapproval of an Ordinance for a Conditional Use Permit request to allow a Convenience Storage use for 7.38 acres out of 12.7630 acres tract of certain real property located at 21105 Old Wiederstein Road, legally described as ABS: 277 SUR: J N RICHARDSON 12.7630 AC. (Ms. Huerta)- 8:20 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Norma Sanchez-Stephens resulting in a vote of 2-5-0-0-0 Opposed by Katie Cunningham, T.G. Benson, Robert Mahoney, Randy Roberts, Dick Hetzel

Item was motioned for To Table by Katie Cunningham seconded by Norma Sanchez-Stephens resulting in a vote of 6-1-0-0-0 Opposed by Randy Roberts

11B. Approval/Disapproval of an Ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2025 Fee Schedule. (Ms. Miranda)- 9:09 PM

Item was motioned for To Deny by T.G. Benson seconded by Joel Hicks resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0

12. Discussion/Action

12A. Discussion/Action on the approval of the Cibolo Youth Advisory Council applicants. (Mr. Hugghins)- 9:16 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by Robert Mahoney seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0

12B. Discussion/Action on authorizing the City Manager to negotiate a Professional Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols to complete the Cibolo South Sanitary Sewer Master Plan. (Mr. Gomez)- 9:21 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by Dick Hetzel resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0

12C. Discussion/Action on FY 25 CIP Road Projects and Public Works Equipment. (Mr. Gomez)- 9:22 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by Norma Sanchez-Stephens seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0

12D. Discussion/Action to allow the City Manager to approve an Annual Price Agreement for Road Construction Materials with Brauntex Materials for In-House Public Works Projects. (Mr. Gomez)- 9:27 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by T.G. Benson seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0

12E. Discussion/Action to allow the City Manager to execute a contract with Presidio Contracting, LLC for the construction of the Trailhead Parking Lot for the Pond at HEB. (Mr. Gomez)- 9:28 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by Joel Hicks seconded by T.G. Benson resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0

12F. Discussion/Action to allow the City Manager to approve a contract with JM Pipeline LLC for the Green Valley Rd Water Main Extension. (Mr. Gomez)- 9:29 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by T.G. Benson seconded by Katie Cunningham resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0

12G. Discussion/Action on Potential Modification to FY25 CIP Fire Fleet Replacement Plan. (Chief Troncoso)- 8:33 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by Randy Roberts seconded by Robert Mahoney resulting in a vote of 7-0-0-0-0

12H. Discussion/Action and authorizing the City Manager to sign the Interlocal Agreement for Fire Protection Services with Guadalupe County and the City of Cibolo. (Chief Troncoso)- 9:30 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by T.G. Benson seconded by Joel Hicks resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0

12I. Discussion/Feedback on adopting the 2021 International Fire Code with amendments. (Chief Troncoso)- 9:38 PM

12J. Discussion/Feedback on adopting the 2021 International Codes and the 2023 National Electric Code. (Mr. Hanson)- 9:47 PM

12K. Discussion/Presentation/Feedback on a follow-up presentation related to school traffic and a possible amendment to the City's No Parking ordinance. (Mr. Hugghins)- 10:00 PM

12L. Discussion/Feedback on the proposed updates to the FY25-27 Council Strategic Plan Implementation Matrix and Draft Annual Report. (Mr. Reed)- 10:07 PM

12M. Discussion on the Palm Field Subdivision Investigation Report. (Councilman Hicks)- 10:17 PM

12N. Discussion on Park Valley Road and Haeckerville Road drainage from resident's complaints at the Council Meeting of September 24th. (Councilman Hicks)- 10:21 PM

12O. Discussion on the fees of open house and garage sale signs. (Councilman Hicks)- 10:26 PM

12P. Discussion from Councilmembers that have attended seminars, events, or meetings. (Council)- 10:27 PM

12Q. Discussion on items the City Council would like to see on future agendas. (Council)-

12R. Discussion on the review and confirmation of all upcoming special meetings and workshops and scheduling the time, date, and place of additional special meetings or workshops. (Ms. Cimics)-

13. Executive Session

13A. The deployment or implementation of critical infrastructure pertaining to the Municipal Water System.- 8:40 PM

14. Open Session

14A. Executive Session Action-

15. Adjournment

15A. Adjourn Meeting- 10:31 PM

Item was motioned for To Approve by Robert Mahoney seconded by Dick Hetzel resulting in a vote of 6-0-0-0-0